Normanhurst Boys High School

Fostering excellence in young men through holistic education

Telephone02 9489 1077

Enrolment for Years 8-11 2025 - Open until Friday 26th July 2024 3:00PM

Enrolment for Years 8-11 2025 is now open until Friday 26 July 2024 3:00PM

Closing date for the online form and for the school to receive the application package: Friday 26 July 2024 4:00PM.

For further details, see the Enrolment page.

Steps to apply

  1. Fill out an online registration form (due Friday 26 July 2024 - this form must be filled out first to generate a PDF unique to your application).
  2. Each application for Years 8-11 needs to be accompanied with an administration fee of $130 payable online.
  3. Compile the application package and have it either delivered to the school personally or via Australia Post before Friday 26 July 2026 4:00PM. Emailed submissions are not accepted.

Application timeline

  • Friday 21 June - Friday 26 July 2024: Applications open.
  • Sunday 4 August 2024: Entrance examination.
  • Late 2024: Successful applicant notified.