Normanhurst Boys High School

Fostering excellence in young men through holistic education

Telephone02 9489 1077

Rules and policies

Rules and policies are in place to make sure your child remains safe and well at school.

Visit the NSW Department of Education’s policy library for all current operational policies.

Our school uses the department's School Community Charter to ensure all of our communication is collaborative and respectful.

Attendance and absences

Students must attend school regularly so they can achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options.

In NSW, all children from the age of 6 are legally required to attend school or be registered for home schooling through the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). All students must complete Year 10, or its equivalent.

Young people below the age of 17 who have completed Year 10 must be:

  • in school, or registered for home schooling 

  • in approved education or training, such as a traineeship, apprenticeship or TAFE

  • in full-time paid employment (average 25 hours a week) 

  • in a combination of work, education and/or training (average of 25 hours a week combined).

Students 17 years and over who are enrolled in school must attend school regularly to meet HSC course requirements. 

As a parent or carer, you are responsible for ensuring your child attends school every day when they are of compulsory school age. You must explain all absences to the school within 7 days.

For more information about compulsory school attendance, visit:

School frameworks – Normanhurst Boys High School rules 

As well as following the department’s operational policies, we have developed frameworks for our students in line with our school’s values and commitments.

The assessment procedures are intended to provide an indication of a student’s attainment of a wide range of syllabus outcomes. Assessment covers the whole course in each subject, including knowledge, understanding skills and processes and addresses all these projected outcomes.

The Years 7-10 syllabuses advocate assessment for learning. Assessment for learning gives students opportunities to produce work that leads to development of their knowledge, understanding and skills. Teachers decide how and when to assess student achievement, as they plan the work students will do, using a range of appropriate assessment strategies including self-assessment and peer assessment. The feedback that students receive from completing assessment activities will help teachers and students decide where they are up to and whether they are ready for the next phase of learning or whether they need further learning experiences to consolidate their knowledge, skills and understanding.

Some of the tasks that students will be given in a subject will not be assessment tasks. Students are required to complete all set tasks not only those for assessment. Gathered evidence is used for assessment of learning which takes place at key points in the learning cycle, such as at the end of Semester 1 and Semester 2, when students receive reports identifying the levels of skill, knowledge and understanding they have achieved.

The school’s Assessment Policy and Program for each year includes information on assessment processes at the school, and faculty specific information on assessment tasks.  

The assessment policy booklet provides you with an assessment schedule for each of your subjects.

Each assessment schedule lists for each task the:

  • Approximate date (term and week)
  • Type of task
  • Anticipated areas of learning and weightings.

At the conclusion of the subject assessment schedules in the booklets is a summary table for your assessment tasks – this will allow you to draw up your own diary of assessment tasks to assist you in managing and completing these tasks (maximum 2 tasks per day and 4 in one week, excluding practical submissions completed at school and during assessment blocks in Term 2 and 4).

If you have a problem with too many tasks scheduled at the one time, see the Deputy Principal in charge of your year immediately.

Years 7-10

Absences due to illness or misadventure

Please see the relevant faculty Head Teacher to submit the evidence, such as a medical certificate. For Year 10 assessment tasks, only medical certificates will be accepted.

Years 11-12

Lateness or absences due to illness or misadventure

Please see the Deputy Principal overseeing your cohort grade to submit the Appeal Form and corresponding evidence (such as a medical certificate).

For accelerated courses’ assessment tasks, please see that year’s Deputy Principal (e.g. Year 10 student enrolled in accelerated Chemistry, studying the Year 11 Course, should see the Deputy Principal in charge of Year 11).

Students are expected to attend school and be present for each lesson or activity. If a student is absent, or needs to leave school early, they are required to bring in a note to the Administration Office, signed and dated by their parent or caregiver to explain the absence.

In the event of a prolonged illness parents/caregivers are asked to notify the school after three days. If it is known in advance that the student will be absent, the Administration Office can also be informed prior to the absences.

Minimum attendance rates suggested by the NSW Education Standards Authority are endorsed by the Department of Education and affect a student’s eligibility for the award of the RoSA (Record of School Assessment) and/or the Higher School Certificate. The school enforces these attendance rates.

Correspondence notes are sent home to parents and caregivers if a satisfactory explanation is not provided within seven days of a student’s absence. An SMS message is also sent to parents at approximately 11:00 am if the student has not arrived at school or is late.

Any application for leave must be submitted on a form available from the Administration Office and should be accompanied by a written application that clearly identifies the circumstances for requesting the leave. Extended leave of up to 100 days may be approved by the Principal in exceptional circumstances. Any leave of more than 100 days will need to be approved by the Director of Public Schools.

Further reading:

Normanhurst Boys High School is committed to explicitly teaching and modelling positive behaviour and to supporting all students to engage in their learning.

Our goal is to provide holistic education and leadership. We focus on promoting excellence, opportunity and success for every student, every day. We strive to engage students to be respectful learners and embrace the learning environment catering for high potential and gifted (HPG) students. Our school maintains high expectations to ensure this occurs, fostering an atmosphere where every student can thrive and achieve their full potential

The principles of positive behaviour support, inclusive practice, and social emotional learning underpin our daily practice. High expectations for student behaviour and learning are established and maintained through the school’s highly challenging learning programs, effective role modelling, explicit teaching, wellbeing programs and planned responses.

Our processes are founded on the idea that students must learn to take responsibility for their own actions and to ensure all staff respond to these challenges consistently with a unified approach.

Download the policy document here

All use of BYO devices is subject to acceptable use as explained in the following documents:

  • BYOD Policy
  • BYOD User Agreement

Download the policy, user agreement and other associated documents

Normanhurst Boys High School, in consultation with our school community, has reviewed our existing school homework policy to ensure its relevance to the needs of our students. This document affirms the partnership in learning between parents and teachers, and to ensure that the importance of family and leisure activities is recognised in the amounts and type of homework that is set.

The following outlines the principles and practices that should ensure homework is educationally beneficial and meets the realistic expectations of students, teachers, parents and caregivers.

Purposes of homework


  • is a valuable part of schooling
  • allows for practising, extending and consolidating work done in class
  • provides training for students in planning andorganisingtime
  • develops a range of skills in identifying and using information resources
  • establishes habits of study, concentration and self-discipline which will serve students for the rest of  their lives
  • strengthens home-school links
  • reaffirms the role of parents and caregivers as partners in education
  • provides parents and caregivers with insights into what is being taught in the classroom and the progress of their children
  • challenges and extends gifted and talented children.

General Principles

Homework is most beneficial when:

  • it reinforces and extends classwork and consolidates basic skills and knowledge
  • it is challenging and purposeful, but not so demanding that it has adverse effects on the student’s motivation
  • parents or caregivers are involved in the formulation and implementation of the school’s homework policy
  • students take responsibility for their homework, supported by their parents or caregivers
  • it is well coordinated and teacher expectations are well communicated
  • it is set on a regular basis and establishes a routine of home study
  • teachers set suitable amounts of homework which are varied and at an appropriate level considering the age, stage of schooling and capabilities of students
  • it takes into account students’ home responsibilities and extracurricular activities such as clubs, sport, part-time employment and leisure
  • it is marked promptly and accurately
  • feedback and follow-up are provided regularly to students
  • it develops and extends the core learning skills of inquiry and independent study

Types of Homework

The amount of time that students are expected to spend on homework will depend upon the age, ability, home environment and extra curricular activities of students including family and cultural obligations. It is important that students of all ages have opportunities for free time, leisure and physical activities outside of school.

The three main types of homework are:

Practice exercises

Providing students with the opportunities to apply new knowledge or review, revise and reinforce newly acquired skills, including:

  • consolidation exercise e.g. maths
  • practising for mastery e.g. spelling words
  • revising information about a current topic
  • practising words or phrases learnt in a language other than English
  • reading for pleasure
  • essay writing.

Preparatory homework

Providing opportunities for students to gain background information on a unit of study so that they arc better prepared for future lessons, including:

  • background reading
  • reading, such as an English text for class discussion
  • researching topics for a class unit of work
  • collecting items e.g. geometric shapes.

Extension assignments

Encouraging students to pursue knowledge individually and imaginatively, including:

  • writing, such as a book review
  • making or designing something e.g. an art work
  • investigations e.g. science, social science
  • researching such as history, local news
  • information and retrieval skills e.g. using a home computer to find material on the internet
  • monitoring, such as advertising in particular newspapers.

Wherever possible homework should recognise the place of technology in today’s world and the benefits of using technology such as home computers e-mail and the internet for organising and accessing information. Schools, however, should have regard for equity issues when setting homework that relies upon the use of technology.

Successful Practice

High School Years 7-12 (Stages 4, 5 and 6)

In high school, homework should develop in students habits of reviewing work undertaken in class. It is expected that homework will be set on a regular basis in each subject. However, the type and amount of homework will vary across subjects.

Coordination across faculties is essential to accommodate competing demands in regard to homework, assessment tasks, assignments and examination preparation. This is particularly important in the senior years of high school. There are extraordinary times when students should be provided with the opportunity to negotiate the amount, type and timeframes of homework.

Normanhurst Boys High School finds homework diaries useful to develop students’ organisational skills and time management, and to improve home-school communication. As students move into the senior school homework demands will increase. The school also facilitates seminars and study days to provide students with expert advice how to better organise homework and study. The Learning Curve program, which is incorporated into school diaries, provides useful information to students, parents and caregivers about completing homework and undertaking revision.

Parents and caregivers can help by

  • taking an active interest in homework
  • ensuring that there is time set aside for homework
  • encouraging and supporting students to complete homework
  • ensuring that all subjects receive appropriate allocated time
  • providing where possible, a dedicated place and desk for homework and study
  • encouraging their children to read and take an interest in current events
  • assisting teachers to monitor homework by signing completed work if requested and being aware of the amount of homework set
  • communicating with teachers anyconcerns about the nature of homework and their children’s approach to the homework
  • alerting the school to any domestic or extracurricular activities which may need to be taken into consideration when homework is being set or corrected
  • carefully considering the impact of coaching /tutoring before involving their children/wards.

Teachers can help by

  • explaining to students and their parents or caregivers the purpose and benefits of homework
  • ensuring students and parents or caregivers are aware of the school’s homework policy
  • providing quality homework activities related to classwork
  • setting a suitable amount of relevant homework which is appropriate to the ability of each student
  • ensuring that students are aware of what is expected of them, and how their work will be assessed
  • giving students sufficient time to complete their homework, taking into account, as far as possible, competing home obligations and extracurricular activities and homework set by other teachers
  • marking homework promptly and appropriately, maintaining homework records and providing feedback to students and parents or caregivers
  • alerting parents or caregivers of any developing problems concerning their children’s homework and suggesting strategies that they can use to assist their children with their homework.

Students can help by

  • being  aware of the importance of homework
  • being aware of their school’s  homework policy
  • completing homework within the given time frame
  • alerting parents or caregivers to homework expectations
  • seeking assistance from teachers and parents or caregivers when difficulties arise
  • showing their homework to their parents or caregivers (this is perhaps not so important in senior high school years)
  • ensuring homework is of a high standard
  • organising their time to ensure that sufficient time is given to quality homework within set deadlines
  • ensuring that coaching/tutoring does not have a negative impact on their school commitments.

Allocation of time

  • some subjects are “easier” when it comes to homework and revision and some students tend to dedicate more time to homework in these areas
  • there may be a tendency for some students to dedicate less time to more “demanding” subjects
  • teachers, students and parents should be aware of this issue and students should be encouraged to allocate homework time appropriately.


  • If students are being coached/tutored the school is of the view that school-based homework and revision should take priority over other work.

Students are encouraged to use public transport to travel to and from school.

Students are required to obtain written permission to park on school premises.

Students who wish to drive to sport or other events need to seek permission and obtain a “Permit” to do so from their Deputy Principal. Students who wish to travel in the cars of others students also need to obtain permission via their Deputy Principal.

Safe driving policy

  • Persons driving into the school grounds are required to do so in a safe and courteous manner.
  • Pedestrians have right of way at all times.
  • A speed limit of 15 km/h applies to all vehicles on school grounds.
  • Only authorised vehicles are permitted to enter the school grounds.
  • Parents may use the first parking bay at the Fraser Road gate to drop off their sons.  They must not proceed beyond this point.
  • In keeping with DoE policy the Principal has the right to :
    •  regulate the student use of motor vehicles for school activities, including sport; and,
    •  refuse the entry of vehicles onto school grounds.
  • Students are required to park in the areas allocated to them.
  • Whilst they are parked within the school grounds, students are required to display on the dashboard of their vehicle the laminated card, authorising their entry.
  • Students are required to complete the appropriate form before being issued with the card authorising their entry onto school grounds.
  • Students are to access their vehicles at the start and at the end of the school day only.
  • Students will only be able to transport ONE student passenger in their vehicle after permission on the appropriate forms has been given by both the driver’s and the passenger’s parents.
  • Students may drive their vehicle to school events only where specific permission has been obtained from the staff member organising the event, and only where the students will not be returning to school at the completion of the event.

Relevant application forms

The application forms for parking onsite, and to transport/travel with another student can be found in this repository.


The wearing of a school uniform encourages pride in the school and contributes to the good standing of the school in the eyes of the community.

Uniform Shop

Uniforms can only be purchased at the school uniform shop managed by Lowes.

The uniform shop is open on Mondays and Thursdays from 8 am to 12 pm, alternatively online orders can be placed by visiting the Lowes online store.

Procedure for being out of uniform

If a student is unable to wear correct school uniform he must :

  1. Bring a note signed by his parent or caregiver.
  2. Students are to present these notes to their Period 1 teacher who will direct them to the relevant Head Teacher for a uniform pass, or the Deputy Principal if they arrive at school after the end of Period 1.

Uniform items

Details can be found in the Year 8-11 Parent Handbook (PDF 15.5 MB)

At Normanhurst Boys High School we aim to provide a supportive environment that is conducive to the total development of all students. Students are encouraged to “set the bar high” in all areas of school life – academically, in extracurricular activities and in developing the values and attitudes that will enable them to make outstanding contributions as leaders in society.

We not only work to fulfil the academic needs of all of our gifted and talented students but also to equip the boys with life skills. Our wellbeing programs, based around the school values of respect of Self, Others, Learning and Environment (SOLE), are designed to build resilience, team ship, empathy and integrity.

The Welfare and Discipline Policy, as well as Anti Bullying Policy are cornerstone to the way Normanhurst Boys High School approaches the wellbeing of our students. They are available for download from the following file repository.