Normanhurst Boys High School

Fostering excellence in young men through holistic education

Telephone02 9489 1077

Years 7-10

Helping your child learn

Study in high school requires a new approach. Your child can become more self-reliant and independent by getting into a routine and planning their weekly workload. They may need your help with getting used to new routines.

Setting priorities and time management

Good time management helps students juggle their many commitments and interests and establish good habits for life. Weekly and monthly planners can help your child with time management.

Help with online research

Students in the middle years need help with online research skills including finding, evaluating, communicating and reflecting on information.

Related: Policies page, containing the Assessment Policy Booklets.

Starting high school is a time of new experiences as your child adjusts to a new school, makes new friends and gets used to having different teachers and classrooms for each subject.

These resources can help with the transition to high school

Getting involved

There are great opportunities for students to participate in extra-curricular activities. These include competitions, exhibitions, sport, performances and special events.

National test

Year 7 students sit the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) test in May. There are five tests covering numeracy, reading, writing, spelling, punctuation and grammar. Year 7 is the first time students use a calculator in one of the numeracy tests.

The results of the NAPLAN test can help teachers and parents meet the individual literacy and numeracy needs of students. You will receive a report of your child’s achievement in the NAPLAN test.

In Year 8, students continue to study courses, and in the second semester choose the elective subjects they wish to study in Years 9 and 10.

VALID Science 8

All Year 8 students in NSW sit for the Validation of Assessment 4 Learning and Individual Development (VALID) test in Term 4. It is an online interactive multimedia assessment called VALID Science 8. You will receive a report of your child’s achievement during Term 1 of Year 9.

Choosing elective subjects

During the second semester of Year 8, students will select the elective subjects they wish to study in Years 9 and 10.

When making their decisions, students should consider their interests, their strengths, their past performance and future career options.

Year 9 is the first year that students study elective subjects. Students also have a range of extra-curricular activities that they can choose to be involved in.

Careers advice

Our school Careers Adviser can help students make educational choices, define a career direction and prepare for future study and training, based on aptitude and aspirations. There are many different study options available so it is important to make an early start and seek advice.

The careers advisory services website also offers help in clarifying course choices, employment opportunities, career pathways or training options. 

Year 10 is an important year of schooling. Students make exciting educational and life choices for the years ahead.

Choosing courses for Years 11-12

During second semester of Year 10, students continuing to study for the Higher School Certificate credential must decide which courses to study. See the NESA Information Booklet for Year 10 Students, Studying for the HSC (PDF 347 KB). When making their decisions, students should consider their abilities, interests and their future career plans and options.

Students can also consider vocational education and training in schoolsa school-based apprenticeship or traineeship.

Talk with your child about their options and encourage them to see the careers adviser before making a decision.

School leaving age

Students are required to complete Year 10, and then to continue in either education or training, full-time paid employment, or a combination of education/training and employment until at least age 17.

Find out more at school leaving age or contact our principal, year adviser or careers adviser. See school leaving age: also in community languages.

Job searching

These websites list job vacancies and apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities:

Download the latest Year 11 Subject Selection booklet here.