Normanhurst Boys High School

Fostering excellence in young men through holistic education

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History Year 7-10

History is a disciplined process of inquiry into the past that helps explain how people, events and forces from the past have shaped our world. Such knowledge can enable students to locate and understand themselves and others in the continuum of human experience. History provides opportunities for students to explore human actions and achievements in a range of historical contexts. Students study Mandatory History in Years 7, 8 and 9.

In Year 7, we study the ancient histories of Australia, Egypt and China, continuing with Medieval Europe, Medieval Japan and The Spanish conquest of the Americas, in Year 8. The following year, Rights and Freedoms, WWI and WWII are explored as part of Mandatory History.

Year 9 students wishing to deepen their engagement, by taking Elective History, can look forward to a wide variety of topics such as a Film Study of Percy Jackson, Medieval Warfare, History’s Mysteries, and Alexander the Great, in addition to an excursion to the Macquarie University History Museum. For those choosing to study History in Year 10, they will learn about The Trojan War, Ancient Warfare, China in the 20th century, and The Holocaust, which is accented by an excursion to the Sydney Jewish Museum.

Junior History is an excellent springboard into senior Ancient History, Modern History and History Extension.