At Normanhurst Boys High School, we offer an extensive curriculum which is constantly evaluated and tailored to meet the needs and interest of talented boys. The dynamic nature of the pattern of study offered underpins our commitment to providing the best educational outcomes.
We consistently foster strong engagement and opportunities for our students to immerse themselves in areas of learning in which they can strive for academic excellence and develop a passion for life-long learning. In the senior school, an extensive amount of support and guidance is provided to students and parents in preparation for post-school academic options and access to highly sought-after university scholarships and awards. Part of this commitment to preparation for tertiary study is providing the option for course acceleration for boys who demonstrate a particular giftedness and readiness for the opportunity.
Accelerated learning
The needs of our boys are constantly scanned for ways in which they can capitalise on strengths and engage with accelerated courses. Such opportunities allow students to perform at a high level and gain advanced standing in the HSC credential, or at times towards university courses. Accelerated courses currently being conducted include Information Processes and Technology, Chemistry, Society and Culture, as well as Geography.
Extension courses
Students are offered numerous opportunities to explore their passions and interest of particular subject areas through extension within their subject selection and through engagement with credentialed extension courses. Extension courses currently on offer include English, Mathematics, Languages, History and Music.
Being part of Team Normo
Our learning community aims to develop the gifts of each student and focuses on achieving personal best and ‘raising the bar’. Student interest and learning is nurtured through a strong sense of belonging to Team Normo. This atmosphere of camaraderie and team solidarity encourages students to be resilient and persevere when challenges arise.
Why just boys?
There are many philosophical, cultural and belief-based reasons for electing a single-sex school. The strongest argument is however an educational one, which confirms that there is a significant performance and developmental advantage for boys being educated with just other boys. Research on this, supports the design of more suitable programs to foster the best learning outcomes.
In a single-sex environment, boys are frequently less self-conscious, which can lead to keener participation in a diverse range of performing, creative and cultural experiences. Simple observation of the day-to-day interactions of our boys, evidences how relaxed they are around each other and supported they feel as they share their journey of cognitive, physiological and developmental changes. In the company of like-minded friends, our students flourish as learners and feel confident in their pursuit of excellence.
- Download printable copies of the School Prospectus from the file repository.