Normanhurst Boys High School

Fostering excellence in young men through holistic education

Telephone02 9489 1077


The study of mathematics at Normanhurst Boys High School involves cohort-wide enrichment and acceleration, with a possibility of extra acceleration under exceptional circumstances.

Years 7-8

The Stage 4 curriculum is supplemented by accelerated learning of parts of the Stage 5 course, such as area and volume, advanced algebraic techniques and indices. Students are encouraged to take part in the Australian Mathematics Challenge Stage and Enrichment Stage, offered by the Australian Mathematics Trust (AMT).

Years 9-10

During these two years, all of the option topics in the Stage 5.3 syllabus are taught to equip our students for even more rigorous senior courses.

Years 11-12

The Year 11 and 12 courses offered are:

Under exceptional circumstances, Mathematics Standard (Year 11 Course) and Mathematics Standard 2 (Year 12 Course) may be arranged to be studied via distance education.

Course Outlines

Download course outlines and learning programs for mathematics courses from Years 7-12.

Help when it’s needed

At Normanhurst Boys, we use technology innovatively to enhance the learning experience in mathematics and give students the best chance to succeed. This is done by providing online homework assistance and having class notes made available anytime and anywhere for students to access and revise from. The Mathematics Department also supports its students extensively online via Microsoft Teams. Details on how to sign up are distributed at the commencement of each year.

Year 11-12

Mathematics Advanced, Extension 1 and Extension 2 are a suite of calculus and statistics-based courses, focused on developing student awareness of mathematics as a unique and powerful way of viewing the world. Through concepts such as order, relation, pattern, uncertainty and generality, students develop their appreciation of the interconnected nature of mathematics, its beauty and its functionality.

Foundations in mathematics can lead to further study in the field or related disciplines such as science, engineering, finance and economics. To achieve this, students study the major topics of calculus, vectors, sequences and series (for financial mathematics) and statistics.


Mr H. Lam Head Teacher Mathematics / Instructional Specialist ICT
Mr M. Ho 2IC Mathematics / Assistant Year 11 Adviser
Ms R. Chaussivert  
Ms I. Ham  
Ms J. Kim  
Ms S. Lee  
Ms S. Park  
Ms O. Quek  
Ms J. Thorrold  
Mr M. Tran