Normanhurst Boys High School

Fostering excellence in young men through holistic education

Telephone02 9489 1077


English study is mandatory in NSW from Kindergarten to Year 12.

Students learn about the English language through written, spoken and visual texts of increasing complexity as they progress through their schooling.

An understanding of the English language is central to how we communicate and essential for intellectual, social and emotional development.

The study of English should develop a love of literature and learning and be challenging and enjoyable. It develops skills to enable students to experiment with ideas and expression, to become active, independent and lifelong learners, to work with each other and to reflect on their learning.


In Years 7 and 8, students begin to respond to and compose texts, and learn about the power, value and art of the English language for communication, knowledge and enjoyment. Each fortnight, students also engage in one period of Drama as part of their English classes to develop an understanding and interest in the subject. 


In Years 9 and 10, aside from the compulsory English course, Drama is offered as an elective. 


In Years 11 and 12, students may wish to extend their study and composition of English text through Extension courses. They also have the opportunity to study Drama for the HSC. 

Other English courses are offered based on indivdual needs.


Mr D. Stevenson Head Teacher English
Mr L. Roberts 2IC English
Ms B. Cleave  
Mr A. Ferguson  
Ms M. Iannuzzelli  
Ms E. Kirwan  
Ms A. Purewal  
Ms A. Steele  
Ms S. Wilson  
Ms J. Wong