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Normanhurst Boys High School

Normanhurst Boys High School

Fostering excellence in young men through holistic education

Telephone02 9489 1077

Student wellbeing

Student Wellbeing is the foundation of all aspects of school life. At Normanhurst Boys High School we aim to ensure that students thrive and flourish in a safe and supportive learning environment where each student feels valued and has a sense of belonging.

School Values – SOLE

We not only work to fulfil the academic needs of all of our gifted and talented students but also to equip the boys with life skills. Our wellbeing programs, based around the school values of respect of Self, Others, Learning and Environment (SOLE), are designed to build resilience, team ship, empathy and integrity.

Recognising Success and Positive Behaviour

All academic achievements, school service and positive behaviour is recognised through a comprehensive merit system, parent letters and awards. Individual needs are met through enrichment courses, acceleration, leadership programs and a wide range of extra curricula activities ensure that all students have many different opportunities to achieve their full potential and build a strong sense of self-worth.

Welfare and Discipline Policy

Please see the Rules and Policies page for further details.

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