Normanhurst Boys High School

Fostering excellence in young men through holistic education

Telephone02 9489 1077

Student wellbeing

Student Wellbeing is the foundation of all aspects of school life. At Normanhurst Boys High School we aim to ensure that students thrive and flourish in a safe and supportive learning environment where each student feels valued and has a sense of belonging.

School Values – SOLE

We not only work to fulfil the academic needs of all of our gifted and talented students but also to equip the boys with life skills. Our wellbeing programs, based around the school values of respect of Self, Others, Learning and Environment (SOLE), are designed to build resilience, team ship, empathy and integrity.

Recognising Success and Positive Behaviour

All academic achievements, school service and positive behaviour is recognised through a comprehensive merit system, parent letters and awards. Individual needs are met through enrichment courses, acceleration, leadership programs and a wide range of extra curricula activities ensure that all students have many different opportunities to achieve their full potential and build a strong sense of self-worth.

Welfare and Discipline Policy

Please see the Rules and Policies page for further details.

Additional links

Further resources and information regarding Anti-Bullying for schools, parents and carers, and students can be found on the NSW anti-bullying website at

Partnering with parents to support every student

Each Year group has a Year Adviser that supports and guides their Grade from Year 7 through to Year 12. All Year Advisers work closely with the Deputy Principals, Head Teacher Wellbeing and Assistant Year Advisers to identify and address the specific wellbeing needs of their cohort.

The school has a well structured framework, based on the Mindmatters program, to support students and staff to ensure that there is a whole school approach to identifying and referring students to the Wellbeing & Learning Support Team. The Team comprises of the Deputy Principals, Head Teacher Wellbeing, School Counsellor, Learning and Support Teacher, Year Advisers, Assistant Year Advisers and Careers Adviser who manage issues of wellbeing, learning support, behaviour management and wellbeing programs.

Strong school community links assist students to develop a strong sense of oneself and hence increased engagement and performance in all areas of leaning. We work in partnership with parents and students to identify and address student wellbeing concerns at the earliest possible stage to ensure that the all students have a positive school life and fulfilling education at Normanhurst Boys High School. We pride ourselves on our whole school approach to ensure the emotional, social and learning needs of our students are met.

Promoting health, supporting student health care needs and reducing health risks are important to everyone at our school.

Prescribed medication

If your child is being prescribed medication that needs to be taken during the day, please inform us so that arrangements can be made for the medication to be administered. Please read the important information about prescribed medications at school.


If your child has been diagnosed with an allergy or allergies, it is important that you tell the principal as soon as you become aware of it, or if your child’s allergy changes. If your child is diagnosed at risk of an anaphylactic reaction an individual health care plan is developed that includes strategies to minimise the risk of a severe allergic reaction.

Managing complex health needs

An individual health care plan is developed for each student with complex health needs. The plan supports students with severe asthma, type 1 diabetes, epilepsy, anaphylaxis and those at risk of an emergency or requiring the administration of specific health care procedures.

Infectious diseases

There are many infectious diseases that affect children and young people. Schools and parents should contact their local health network for advice regarding infectious diseases.


Our school’s immunisation program works in cooperation with our local health network of the NSW Department of Health who deliver the NSW adolescent school-based vaccination program to high school students.

Head lice

Head lice outbreaks sometimes occur at school. If your child has head lice please treat your child and inform us. Daily combing of dry hair with conditioner can get rid of head lice. You should continue to send your child to school.

Related: Head lice information in community languages.

Healthy eating at school

Healthy food keeps children alert and focused and gives them the nutrition they need each day. Our school canteen provides a healthy, nutritious canteen menu in line with the Fresh Tastes NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy. If your child brings their own lunch to school you can help by packing food that is interesting and nutritious.

Related: lunch box ideas.

Sun safety

Our school takes sun safety seriously. Children learn about how to protect themselves from the sun’s damaging UV rays, and our school implements a range of sun protection strategies.

Related: Sun sense information in community languages.

Ear infections

Otitis media is a common middle ear infection which may cause fever or vomiting. If undetected, a child may suffer from hearing loss and their learning could be affected. Most ear infections respond readily to treatment.

Child protection

Strict safety checks are in place to protect students including criminal record checks of all permanent and casual teachers. We teach our students to recognise when they may be unsafe and how to get help.

Internet safety

Web filtering technology prevents students from accessing inappropriate material on the internet and email system.


We work hard to prevent bullying in our school and we recognise that the best outcomes are achieved by school communities, parents, students and teachers, working together to help prevent and to respond to bullying.

Our Anti-bullying Plan includes protection, prevention, early intervention and response strategies for student bullying. Any student who experiences bullying and any person who witnesses bullying should report it to a teacher or the school principal.


Anti-racism education is taught in our classrooms and we make every effort to ensure our school is free from discrimination. Our anti-racism contact officer can help any member of the school community who wishes to raise a complaint of racism. Our anti-racism contact officer can help any member of our school community who wishes to raise a complaint of racism. For more information see information in community languages.

Sun safety

We teach students about the damaging effects of the sun and promote sun safety practices.

Road safety

Road safety education is taught to all students from Kindergarten to Year 10 as part of personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE). Driver education programs are also taught as part of the PDHPE 7-10 syllabus.

Drug education

Drug education and understanding responsibility and relationships is taught as part of PDHPE from Kindergarten to Year 10.


Crossroads is a course for Years 11 and 12 students. It encourages students to extend and build on the relationship and drug issues outcomes achieved in PDHPE in previous years and reflects other contemporary health issues facing young people.